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Router Library



使用这种模式的开发人员可以继承Routermix-in合约。'Router'是一个MailboxClient ,它跟踪远程链上其他Router合约的地址。这允许Router直接向其他路由发送消息,而不必指定地址。它还允许Router拒绝来自其他不受信任的发送者的消息。

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
pragma solidity >=0.6.11;

// ============ Internal Imports ============
import {IMessageRecipient} from "../interfaces/IMessageRecipient.sol";
import {IPostDispatchHook} from "../interfaces/hooks/IPostDispatchHook.sol";
import {IInterchainSecurityModule} from "../interfaces/IInterchainSecurityModule.sol";
import {MailboxClient} from "./MailboxClient.sol";
import {EnumerableMapExtended} from "../libs/EnumerableMapExtended.sol";

// ============ External Imports ============
import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";

abstract contract Router is MailboxClient, IMessageRecipient {
using EnumerableMapExtended for EnumerableMapExtended.UintToBytes32Map;
using Strings for uint32;

// ============ Mutable Storage ============
EnumerableMapExtended.UintToBytes32Map internal _routers;

uint256[48] private __GAP; // gap for upgrade safety

constructor(address _mailbox) MailboxClient(_mailbox) {}

// ============ External functions ============
function domains() external view returns (uint32[] memory) {
return _routers.uint32Keys();

* @notice Returns the address of the Router contract for the given domain
* @param _domain The remote domain ID.
* @dev Returns 0 address if no router is enrolled for the given domain
* @return router The address of the Router contract for the given domain
function routers(uint32 _domain) public view virtual returns (bytes32) {
(, bytes32 _router) = _routers.tryGet(_domain);
return _router;

* @notice Unregister the domain
* @param _domain The domain of the remote Application Router
function unenrollRemoteRouter(uint32 _domain) external virtual onlyOwner {

* @notice Register the address of a Router contract for the same Application on a remote chain
* @param _domain The domain of the remote Application Router
* @param _router The address of the remote Application Router
function enrollRemoteRouter(
uint32 _domain,
bytes32 _router
) external virtual onlyOwner {
_enrollRemoteRouter(_domain, _router);

* @notice Batch version of `enrollRemoteRouter`
* @param _domains The domains of the remote Application Routers
* @param _addresses The addresses of the remote Application Routers
function enrollRemoteRouters(
uint32[] calldata _domains,
bytes32[] calldata _addresses
) external virtual onlyOwner {
require(_domains.length == _addresses.length, "!length");
uint256 length = _domains.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
_enrollRemoteRouter(_domains[i], _addresses[i]);

* @notice Batch version of `unenrollRemoteRouter`
* @param _domains The domains of the remote Application Routers
function unenrollRemoteRouters(
uint32[] calldata _domains
) external virtual onlyOwner {
uint256 length = _domains.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {

* @notice Handles an incoming message
* @param _origin The origin domain
* @param _sender The sender address
* @param _message The message
function handle(
uint32 _origin,
bytes32 _sender,
bytes calldata _message
) external payable virtual override onlyMailbox {
bytes32 _router = _mustHaveRemoteRouter(_origin);
require(_router == _sender, "Enrolled router does not match sender");
_handle(_origin, _sender, _message);

// ============ Virtual functions ============
function _handle(
uint32 _origin,
bytes32 _sender,
bytes calldata _message
) internal virtual;

// ============ Internal functions ============

* @notice Set the router for a given domain
* @param _domain The domain
* @param _address The new router
function _enrollRemoteRouter(
uint32 _domain,
bytes32 _address
) internal virtual {
_routers.set(_domain, _address);

* @notice Remove the router for a given domain
* @param _domain The domain
function _unenrollRemoteRouter(uint32 _domain) internal virtual {
require(_routers.remove(_domain), _domainNotFoundError(_domain));

* @notice Return true if the given domain / router is the address of a remote Application Router
* @param _domain The domain of the potential remote Application Router
* @param _address The address of the potential remote Application Router
function _isRemoteRouter(
uint32 _domain,
bytes32 _address
) internal view returns (bool) {
return routers(_domain) == _address;

* @notice Assert that the given domain has a Application Router registered and return its address
* @param _domain The domain of the chain for which to get the Application Router
* @return _router The address of the remote Application Router on _domain
function _mustHaveRemoteRouter(
uint32 _domain
) internal view returns (bytes32) {
(bool contained, bytes32 _router) = _routers.tryGet(_domain);
require(contained, _domainNotFoundError(_domain));
return _router;

function _domainNotFoundError(
uint32 _domain
) internal pure returns (string memory) {
"No router enrolled for domain: ",

function _dispatch(
uint32 _destinationDomain,
bytes memory _messageBody
) internal virtual returns (bytes32) {
return _dispatch(_destinationDomain, msg.value, _messageBody);

function _dispatch(
uint32 _destinationDomain,
uint256 _value,
bytes memory _messageBody
) internal virtual returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 _router = _mustHaveRemoteRouter(_destinationDomain);
super._dispatch(_destinationDomain, _router, _value, _messageBody);

function _quoteDispatch(
uint32 _destinationDomain,
bytes memory _messageBody
) internal view virtual returns (uint256) {
bytes32 _router = _mustHaveRemoteRouter(_destinationDomain);
return super._quoteDispatch(_destinationDomain, _router, _messageBody);